So April. That was a while ago. I didn't stop thinking about things, don't worry about that. I just stopped writing about things. It's been a crazy good time for my little family. The dad in the house graduated and got a real job in his field (hallelujah! We are so blessed!). We bought a house. We moved. We painted. We played our guts out with family and friends all summer long. We celebrated another anniversary. Our baby turned two. I've survived two trimesters of pregnancy. Life has been amazingly good to us. We are happy.
I don't always do well with change. I'm a planner. I like calendars and check lists and routine. I've had a hard time finding my rhythm again with so much change so suddenly in my life. Most of the time that's what I think about. Finding rhythm and balance. It's a little bit crazy and kind of overwhelming to so suddenly go from being starving students in a cheap apartment in a college town to being real grownups in a house with a garage in a neighborhood full of other real grownups with children (plural) and real jobs and, and, and. Please don't take this as whining or complaining. I love my life. I love our new home and I especially love our new neighborhood. I'm just trying to say that with all the adjusting and trying to feel on top of things again my balance, and especially my writing, have suffered. Terribly. And it's terribly painful to write right now because I'm so out of practice. So forgive me for that. But the truth is, I need to write. I need to put thoughts on paper (or screen) to get them out of my head where I can make some sense of them. I need to exercise my brain before it turns into play dough. So I guess I'm saying I'm back. And I hope you'll be patient with me while I find my voice again.