Friday, September 2, 2011

From My Pillow

I think I may have solved world hunger, or even cured cancer, this morning.  I was lying in bed after M woke me up to change her diaper at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep.  I do some pretty deep thinking in the dark on my pillow.  And this morning I swore I would remember it all.  I thought my thoughts repeatedly and clearly so as to burn them into my tired brain.  I knew when I woke up at the regular hour this morning I would be full of good things that needed writing.  I guess I need to start keeping a pen by my bed because when I did wake up all I remembered was the need to remember.  Maybe next time. 

p.s.- my time budgeting experiment failed.  Did any of you participate?  Were you successful?  More on that later.


Kellie Tolton said...

Kayce I do the exact same thing! My best thinking times are when I am about to go to sleep...and then morning comes. Boo! :)

Chastina said...

Even when I keep writing stuff by my bed I don't want to turn on a light to write.