Friday, September 30, 2011

From the Salon

I finally got a hair cut last night.  If you've seen me lately you're probably as grateful as I am.
An hour is a long time to think when then girl cutting your hair isn't very chatty.  Here's some of the randomness:
  • When I'm old I want to get a pedicure once a month.  I'll sit in the chair and chat with the young girls and sip my Diet Coke.  Maybe I don't want to wait till I'm old.
  • Why is it that every girl I've found in Logan to do my hair that I love moves to Vegas?  Will this new girl get married and move to Vegas too?
  • Why is it that a hair cut from a fancy salon always feels better than a haircut from a cheaper salon?  Even if the quality is the same?
  • I'm a salon snob.  Even if I can get a cheaper, just as quality cut, somewhere else, I want the fancy decor.  And I'm generally fine paying for it.  When did that happen?
  • What determines what we talk about with people who are close to us when we know complete strangers are privy to the conversation?  
  • How in the world does she get her hair so big?
  • Fluorescent lights always make me look awful, but the girl doing my hair always looks great in the mirror.  What gives?  Is there some trick they teach at hair school?  Do I really just look like that all of the time?
  • I think I look like a mom.  When did that happen?
  • It's gotten much harder to leave M with a sitter now that I don't do it all the time.  Ironic.
  • The amount of dye and product on that really huge, blonde blonde blonde hair must be poisoning her baby.


Hilary said...

I can totally identify with the fluorescent light thing! I always wonder if I always look that bad and how does she look so good? I'm so glad I'm not the only one with that problem. I guess that means it really is the lighting. Right?

Nicole said...

I too have wondered how girls get their hair so big. Is it all just a huge rat's nest? Do they use an entire can of hairspray? Is their head naturally shaped so oddly? And I wonder what it's like at the end of the day when they try to brush through that mess. Ouch!

Chastina said...

Sometimes I wonder about the hairstylists' hairstyles.

I love having my hair done by someone else.